For a Quick Reference

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Finished Needlework

I've been trying to finish up a variety of projects this month before other commitments take precedence, but it's been slow going. This is one that I finally finished:

Ironically, this project wasn't even on my list of priorities. It just happened that I could bring needlework to the Pioneer Farm, and I could sit and sew while the children played outside. Sarah wanted to stitch an alphabet sampler, so I thought I should design something that I could stitch alongside her.  I experimented with adding color to the fabric to fill in the picture. I used Prismacolor pencils for that and it worked really well. I've framed this piece and hung it in Sarah's room.

Daniel and Matthew are surprisingly interested in stitchery as well. Matthew has stitched a pirate flag and a picture of a pirate ship in the past, so he's been trying to think of something equally masculine to emroider. Daniel just wants to stitch anything; it's like a new toy for him. Yesterday I taught him the running stitch and he followed a bunch of curved lines I drew for him on fabric. He did a tolerably good job, until he ran out of line to follow. Then he didn't know what to do, so he made huge stitches that were 1-2 inches across until he ran out of thread. I'm just happy that he learned something new.

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