For a Quick Reference

About Me

How do I give you a glimpse of myself in such a static setting? Hmmm. I know, I'll just write down the top things that come to my mind. Here we go:

Meet Renae in a Nutshell:

I am the mother of four children. I think motherhood is very important, and an irreplaceable necessity for healthy societies. I admire other moms and constantly strive to improve my own performance in this calling of life. I'm always happy to read what other mothers are doing to enrich their families, and I love applying new ideas to my own little flock.

I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful husband. He encourages me in all of my passing interests and supports me in pursuing whatever goals I contrive for myself. He's my best friend and I would always rather be with him than do a girls-night-out. As a result, I'm not very social outside of my own home.

Continuing on the previous thought, I really don't like small talk. I'm not anti-social, just introverted. I'd much rather think than talk in most settings. It doesn't mean I don't like you.  I'd rather not say anything if it's not meaningful.

My biggest passion is reading. I love to learn. I am addicted to reading non-fiction and usually only read historical classics in the field of fiction (such as Dickens, Hugo, Austen, etc). I figure if I'm going to spend time reading, I'd really like to be edified somehow in exchange for the hours I spend with the book. I don't have high regard for most fiction- I teach my children to stay away from 'Drivel and Tripe'.

So what do I read to my kids? Some of the books we've read as a family include- the works of CS Lewis, the original Alice in Wonderland, Little House on the Prairie, The Remarkable journey of Edward Tulane, Story of the World series (Ancient history, Medieval history, etc), the original Winnie the Pooh books, Mr Poppers Penguins, Illustrated scripture stories, and assorted non fiction picture books. We love to cuddle together on the couch with blankets, and we'll just read together for hours at a time.

I like to create things, although I seldom stick to any particular medium long enough to really get proficient at it. I'm sort of a Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. I get into creative streaks when I have an insatiable appetite to be artistic, then I'll hit a rut and go months without creating anything. I try to grasp the artistic mood when it hits me.

My faith is important to me. I try really hard to learn more about Christ's gospel and apply to my life. I fall very short of my expectations, but I try my best. I love the deep peace and joy the gospel brings to me. It is the most valuable part of my life, and everything else pales in comparison to it.

I love classical music. I like to have it playing in the background in our home. One of my very favorite musicians is Luciano Pavarrati. I could listen to him sing all day....and I do.

I don't like processed foods. Foods from a can or a box are almost unbearable for me. Literally. I would rather go hungry than eat a hotdog or Hamburger Helper. I just don't like the taste of all the preservatives, and it's not like real food. I really like fresh foods, like homemade bread and salad or beans and rice. I really like eating simple foods without much modification.

We make home made bread twice a week, totaling 8 loaves a week. It's a tradition for us to give away a loaf to a friend every time we make a batch. I love it. Bread really is the staff of life, and I crave it. The store-bought imitations make my stomach turn. There's nothing better in life than a slice of bread warm from the oven, with melting butter spread over it. 

I am a very independent person, and I hate dealing with the 'red tape' of most institutions. This is one of the many reasons why I don't like public school systems. I just want to do things my own way, and I don't like other people telling me what I can or can not do.

It's hard for me to sit still to watch a movie. I prefer to be doing something with my hands during the movie, whether it's cleaning, folding laundry, polishing furniture, exercising, or doing some hand sewing. Usually I just don't want to watch the movie. I'd rather read.

I'm pretty disorganized, but my goal this year has been to get more organized. VERY slowly my home is making progress in that regard.

I love learning about other cultures and religions. I majored in Cultural Anthropology in college for a while. It's so fascinating to see what priorities and traditions other people have. I love the diversity on our planet and I think there is something beneficial I can learn from everyone.

I love old-fashioned style, especially old-fashioned manners and etiquette. I love being treated like a lady by my husband and sons. I try hard to teach my children how to behave like true ladies and gentlemen. Manners say so much about your character. I think it's a dying art that needs to be revived.

I change my mind a lot. In college I switched majors from Theater, Cultural Anthropology, Education, then Nursing. As a result, I still haven't earned a degree.

I'm a professional face painter. Ironically, a full time face painter earns twice as much money  as a full time nurse. No degree required. I only do a couple gigs each month because I feel like it's more important for me to be with my family than it is to earn a large salary. I enjoy this job a lot, and it's nice to have a job that lets me be creative.

I am not content to be mediocre. I do not follow the masses and prefer to seek excellence rather than seek entertainment. I am unusual and it doesn't bother me. As a child, I always wanted to be a nonconformist.