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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Traditions

This year we started a new fun tradition- the Elf on the Shelf. Our children named her Lexie, and she's a girl with a sweet tooth.

It's been really fun to hide her in strange places all over the house. Our kids are so excited to seek her out each morning!

Other traditions we practice include making gingerbread houses, baking and sharing holiday treats, filling a manger with straw to represent secret acts of service (although we haven't done that this year- the miniature manger broke when we moved!), cutting out dozens of snowflakes (yes, the mess is horrendous- a blizzard of paper scraps visits my table each time we do this!), reading dozens of Christmas storybooks together, celebrating Hanukkah by making latkes and playing dreidel (our kids LOVE this tradition), and enjoying a candlelit dinner of biblical foods while we tell the story of Christ's birth.

This year we're starting an extra-special tradition for Christmas Eve. I am so excited about it! I'll hopefully type up an entry describing what I have in mind, then post it on here in time for you to use the idea in your own family.

What fun traditions do you celebrate for the Christmas season?

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