For a Quick Reference

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Joke Journal entry

Sarah was working on a poem for school today. It's the type of poem where the author writes down an adjective for each letter of their name. Sarah was having a hard time thinking of another adjective that began with the letter 'A'. Nathan pulled out the dictionary and began scanning, coming up with 'Abject', 'Abominable', 'Abrasive', 'Absent', etc. From the other room Matthew piped up: "Hey Sarah! You can write 'absent' and MAIL the homework to your teacher tomorrow!" We all had a good laugh.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I am SOOO sorry with not getting back to you. I've missed a lot of calls lately,not knowing my phone was on silent. Crystal sleeps around 11am and 3pm, so I'll call you tomorrow around either of those. LOVE YOU!!