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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cleaning Day memories

Today was a Cleaning Day. While the family worked together on Kitchen Duty, Matthew and Daniel asked if they could mop the floors together. They spent half an hour or so laughing together and working side by side.

I put on some cleaning music and they were doing interpretive dance as they scooted around the kitchen scrubbing the floor with their feet. They were boogie-ing all over the place and really getting into it, so I ran to fetch my camera. When I arrived back on the scene, a new song started. It played a slow, dramatic ballet this is what I caught:

They continued dancing, giggling, and cleaning for several more songs. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Joseph also found some rags and came to party. 

Look at these little legs! I love the stories these legs tell. They are dirty from spending the morning climbing trees and playing in the dirt. They have bug bites from exploring the underbrush in the goat pasture. They have scrapes from running and playing and bumping into things while they enjoy life's adventures. I love it!

These boys are always finding ways to make life more fun and eliminate the mundane. I love the way they see life's little pleasures in every thing we do. They sure has a gift for making little events more memorable- I really love their enthusiasm for life!

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