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Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekend Plans

What are you doing this weekend? 

We are looking forward to hearing a prophet's voice while we watch chicks hatch out of eggs.

It has been a surprisingly humble experience to candle these eggs.

The first time I saw one of the chicks move inside the egg, I was astonished and breathless with wonder.

I watched its teeny feet move around, casting little shadows inside the egg. Then the chick pressed its perfectly formed foot up against the inside of his eggshell. At that moment I realized what a miracle I was holding in my hands. It was so humbling to realize I was literally holding his life in my hands: one slip and the egg could drop and end his life. I felt a huge responsibility to handle the egg with care.

Eagerly I called the children to come into my dark bathroom and see the eggs. They ooo-ed and aaah-ed and whispered excitedly over the little shadows we could see through the shell.

Life is amazing and beautiful.

1 comment:

5boystokiss said...

That is so beautiful! The only thing not fair about it-is that we can't "candle" our own bellies and watch our babies grow. I have often thought that it would be easier to wait the 9 months if I just had a window in my stomach. :) Sounds like you are starting the spring equinox off just right! Renae I follow a blog that is pretty cool, you might like it- Have a great rest of your weekend!