For a Quick Reference

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just do it

It's official.

 I'm going for one of my dreams.

 I am illustrating a childrens' book.

Isn't it exciting? 

We are aiming for publication in time for Christmas.

I'm simultaneously tickled with anticipation and terribly nervous.

We'll see how things go.....I wonder if I'm allowed to share my illustrations online here? 
Hmmm...something I need to ask the author. I'd like to share my work here if I can.
 ( *laughing* and when I can remember to upload them, that is! Aren't we still waiting for me to post pics of my Christmas paintings.....yeah, well....let's move on....)

I am currently conquering some of my project list so I can focus properly on this new project. 
(See the shower walls behind me, still waiting for tile? Yeah....that's a biggie on my project list.)

Among my projects I am currently incubating 35 chicken eggs. If all goes well, they will hatch just in time for Easter, won't that be fun?! 

I can hardly wait!

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