For a Quick Reference

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blessing our Home

This is what my home looks like right now. We've packed our front parlor and music room/library all into our dining room and kitchen.

 There's a kitchen under there somewhere, trust me. There are stacks of books on every counter, table, and bench. It's amazing how much space they take up when they're not stored vertically on our 8-foot bookshelves. Why would I take on this radical form of interior decorating?

You may remember that our home had water damage from the last tropical storm. This week the contractor fixed the roof and wall and painted the downstairs. Yay! Our home is being fixed! We had to move everything out of the room being repaired.

Last night I loaded my van with almost 2,000 pounds of flooring material to bring home and install. (The moldy carpet had to go. I hate carpet anyway, it's so unsanitary and smelly.) I was SO thankful it didn't break an axle by exceeding the weight limit (that happened to us last year when I loaded too many rocks in the van for a landscaping project.).

This morning I ripped out all the carpet. Luckily I didn't have to do it alone- Sarah was very helpful. After feeding the children breakfast I started chiseling out the entryway tile. It was so destructive, and it was strangely satisfying to rip out all the white perfect squares. I think now I understand the appeal children feel towards destroying things.

Now I'm ripping out baseboards and carpet tack strips. I'm so excited install our new floors. Nathan and I are doing it together tonight and tomorrow. I really love working on difficult projects with him. It's so satisfying to accomplish something hard while we work as a team.

Instead of listening to music while we work this weekend, we'll be listening to this. I eagerly look forward to it every year, and I hope you get a chance to listen and see what I love about it. It blesses my home so much. It's going to be a great weekend!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Renae, this looks fun to me too! In two weeks we're ripping up our gross carpet in the living room and hallway! Yay for home renovation! I also just finally got around to reading your comment on my blog (I've been truly uninspired to write) so sorry for taking so long. Good luck with all of your projects! I look forward to reading more. Enjoy your day and conference weekend!