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Monday, October 1, 2012

Pitbulls, Possums, and Inspiration

 This week was great. 

In my effort to focus more on creating neat memories with our family, I made this sign to welcome our kids off the school bus:

They thought it was so neat! All the kids on the bus were looking out their windows trying to read the sign. Matthew was beaming when he stepped off the bus. I like how the gate to our property makes a perfect billboard space. 

This weekend I had the privilege of filling in for our Relief Society president while she was out of state. I had mixed feelings of inadequacy and honor to fill that position. Just my luck we had an emergency needing urgent attention....what an initiation this was!

In the end, I was very thankful for this opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and grow in new ways. I was taught so much during these past 3 days of time-consuming service. 

I learned a few things-

1- I never want to be a Relief Society president! It's exhausting! How does anyone do this full-time?
2- My heart changed as I helped a sister bear with her heavy trials. I couldn't remove the trial from her life, but the Lord wanted me to provide spiritual comfort. It was humbling to be serving His child during this difficult time in her life.
3- The Lord truly steps in to make up the difference when we serve Him. It was incredible to feel Him guiding my steps when I felt like I was fumbling through the dark due to my inexperience.
4- My respect for our current president increased by leaps and bounds (which I didn't think was possible- I already nearly idolize this woman) as I grew to understand  the physical and emotional demands she deals with every day....but she never shows that burden to others. She is unfailingly cheerful and patient with everyone. Boy, do I have a long way to progress!

Later that day I attended the General Relief Society Broadcast. I look forward to this all year long! I love feasting on the words of Christ. I felt so inspired to become a better person. I felt so loved by the Lord and encouraged in my journey to be more like Him. It was a memorable evening for sure.

In other news, last night we were awoken (again) by frantic squawking from our chickens. 

Nathan ran our to investigate.....I always think it's slightly funny when that happens. There's never time to pull on any clothing other than a pair of galoshes. Are we officially country bumpkins if we chase off predators across the pasture in our unmentionables and boots? I used to mock that behavior in hillbilly movies. Life is ironic, isn't it? It's a good thing we can laugh at ourselves I suppose. 

The predator was too fast for us, but not fast enough for Bella. 

Great Pyrenees dog kills possum in Texas, farm dog

We heard the bones crunch. There's officially one less possum in Texas. She's such a great farm dog! 

Speaking of dogs, I forgot to share my pitbull story here. If you know me on Facebook, you've already heard this, so I won't be hurt if you leave now.

Our neighbors own pit/lab mix and he keeps coming into our pasture and killing chickens. This has been going on for a looong time. This week he was back again. He tried to run home with a rooster in his mouth, but I caught up to him. 

He wouldn't drop the bird even after I kicked him in the ribs. The bird was still alive and I wanted to get it safely away before those canine jaws squeezed the life out of him. There were no rocks or sticks within reasonable distance, and kicking hadn't worked, so I punched him as hard as I could on the head. 

That worked.

He dropped the bird in shock and I rescued it before taking this dog back to its owners (again). 

The good news is the rooster is fine. The bad news is I really hurt my hand and had to wrap it up over the weekend before I could get into the doctors office for x-rays. 

The good news is everyone at the doctors office was impressed and thought I was gutsy and sassy for punching a pitbull in the head. The bad news is I had to tell our neighbors we were buying a gun just to shoot their dog the next time he comes over. I felt terrible saying something like that! 

I hope your weekend was lovely! Aren't you excited to welcome October into your lives today? I'm so excited! Pumpkin soup is simmering on my stove....yum!


Gail said...

I never want to be RS President, either. Should that doom befall me, the silver lining would be that I could assign myself to teach once a month. At least in theory.

I agree that A. does a fantastic job. I was particularly impressed when she soldiered on in the calling despite her husband being out of the country for four months. A foolish question, though: shouldn't filling in for her fall to her first counselor? How did you get stuck with the task?

Unknown said...

The question isn't foolish because you aren't in Relief Society on Sundays. I am the first counselor, so that's why I was assigned these tasks. :)

Unknown said...

Renae, You're a true blue Idahoan, through and through, even though you were born in Utah. I'm proud of you for even saying that you are going to buy a gun. Be sure and get yourself a Concealed Weapons Permit! GO GIRL!!!