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Sarah and cousins read together on a sunny morning (Okay, it has nothing to do with the post- I just love this picture from our summer, that's all) |
I've been streamlining my priorities in life and eliminating a lot of the nonessential things to make more space for the things that truly matter. I've been overflowing with joy because of this!
My change came after reading this talk (yet again) and striving to apply it (yet again). Essentially, the point is to stop chasing after 'good' things in life and focus more on things that are even better.
To quote Elder Oaks-
We should begin by recognizing that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives.
There's one of my problems. I was spending so much time pursuing good things that I was missing the more important parts of life.
I have found myself repeatedly returning to this principle of time management over the past few years. My almost imperceptible baby steps in improvement each year are finally coming to fruition as I look back and see the progress I've made in becoming the type of person I truly want to be.
It makes me giddy and I want to shout: Look! I'm finally improving!
Elder Oaks continues-
We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families.
With that in mind, I'm spending more time each day focusing on these three things:
-strengthening my family
-stimulating my own spiritual growth
-serving others
What did I eliminate?
Cloth diapers. There's a shocker (totally sarcastic here). The choice to revert back to disposables bought me an extra 5 hours a week since I'm no longer rinsing, washing, line drying, and folding those undies. Yes, I'm not ashamed to admit that I feel liberated.
Home school is off the family plan for this year. (I know, I know.....don't get me started on the turmoil I felt over this decision. That's another story for another day.) While the kids are in public school I can focus on being a better mother rather than a better teacher.
I realized they only have ONE mother in life, and I have certain motherly responsibilities that no one else on earth can fulfill. Anyone can teach my kids to read and write, but only I can teach them how to have faith and integrity. Only I can teach them how to return to Heavenly Father, and that should always be my biggest priority.
I'm focusing more on teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in our home, rather than thinking up lesson plans to instruct geology or math. Yes, I'll admit I do still feel a bit guilty over the choice to public school. Tough luck for me.
I cut out our school commute. Instead of driving into town and waiting in line at two schools twice each day, our kids ride the bus. This bought me an additional 9 hours each week! Now they come home to a welcoming atmosphere and warm muffins waiting on the table next to tall glasses of icy milk. I never had the energy to do things like that when I home schooled. I feel like I'm able to make our HOUSE more of a HOME full of love and encouragement since I'm not tired and cranky from the tedious commute.
In previous years, our baby steps on improvement eliminated television (yup, we have NO cable or even the basic channels) and the following year Netflix was cut (I always felt obligated to watch the DVDs and wasted a lot of time there).
I eliminated "Drivel-and-Tripe" books from my personal reading lists so I could focus on books that were truly worth my time investment (now I prefer to read nonfiction books that teach me something new or fiction that can enrich my life in meaningful ways- Twilight was the first book to be axed from my library that year!).
My days this month have been full of joy and purpose. I'm able to spiritually nourish my children because I've made my own spiritual health a priority (instead of trying to read my scriptures at the very end of the day, when I feel so tired I have to prop open my eyelids with toothpicks). My service to others has enriched my life, bringing satisfaction and meaning to my afternoons. My children are happier because I spend more meaningful time with them and our relationships are getting stronger.
I know almost no one reads this blog, but I hope those of you who do read this will leave with a sense of peace and joy.
My heart wonders about you and your unique struggles.. I hope you feel loved.
I hope your own life is filled with joy because that's the whole point of life- to experience joy.
Life really is beautiful.
What a great lesson you've learned, and better yet, you're sharing with others how you've implemented the lesson. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing how you grow and how you share your joy with others! :)
Thanks. I think I needed to hear all of that.
You have absolutely no idea how much I needed to read these words today. I have been struggling a lot, especially the last few days...yesterday I was ready to give up. I received some very encouraging words from friends on FB but this post has reminded me that I just need to be a better me & focus on the essentials, not the nice to dos! THANKS!
Way to go! I'm glad you're finding ways to have more peace in your life. It is wonderful to be able to look back and see the progress made.
Love you!
It reminds me of my favorite quote by Sister Hinkley, "If you want success lower your expectations".
So hard to do! You're awesome!
I love this! You're amazing.
Thank you everyone for the kind words! It's nice to know someone reads this. Ashley- I love that quote and wanted to include it in the blog post, but I forgot who said it so I left it out. Thanks for sharing it!
Huh. I posted a comment several hours ago, but apparently it didn't go through. How annoying.
I think I said something about finding balance. Heaven knows I need some Gail Time and intellectual/social stimulation outside of motherhood.
Also that there is no perfect solution, just the best you can do. And Divine Grace makes up the difference.
This is my favorite line: "My almost imperceptible baby steps in improvement each year are finally coming to fruition as I look back and see the progress I've made in becoming the type of person I truly want to be." As women and mother I think it's so hard for us to see progress and believe that in the midst of all the mayhem we are all learning and improving (as long as we keep our priorities straight). Thanks for your words of wisdom. You are an inspiration!
P.S. Don't worry about the cloth diapers. I always think of them as part of my food storage. There may come a day when I can't buy diapers for some reason, and I have the peace of mind in knowing I won't be stuck. That's worth the investment we made in them.
i came to your blog from pinterest looking for meaningful sabbath day activities for my kids and also read this post. oh, how it touched my heart! i have been praying for so long for help in finding more balance and joy in motherhood and reading about your personal experience with this, really helped me tonight. thanks for sharing. i will definitely come back to read more! maybe you'd even post another update on this very topic?? :D
I also needed that! i feel exhausted just at the thought of all the changes or 'tweeks' i know need to be made. Thank You
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