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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Children and Classics

Sarah and I have been reading "Anne of Green Gables" aloud together each day. It's delightful. We read whenever Diego sleeps.

I used to read her the abridged versions of classics, but then I realized that she would never be exposed the rich language in an abridged form. When I was little I didn't enjoy Charles Dickens' books.....then one day I read Oliver Twist in its true unabridged form. It was a different world for me. The abridged versions only kept the essential plot. They removed the rich humor and wittiness that made Dickens loved by readers for over a century. Now I adore reading Dickens!

I began to read only the unabridged classics to Sarah. I was worried that she might not understand the vocabulary and out-dated phrases, but I find it's not really an issue. If I think she might not be familiar with a word in a sentence, I explain it to her and we move on.

It's so fun to watch her face as I tell the story. She is so expressive in her emotions regarding this book. Her face lights up with delight when Anne is ridiculous. Sarah's mouth drops open in gaping shock each time Anne is so scathingly rude to Gilbert Blythe. She giggles behind her hand when she realizes Gilbert loves Anne. Sarah hides under a blanket in embarrassment when Anne is particularly naughty. We have laughed and laughed together every afternoon as we read Anne's adventurous exploits.

I am so happy that my daughter has learned how to enjoy classic literature. It's so important to me that she be familiar with note-worthy books. Too many children's books published today treat children like they are idiots with over-simplified plots and no creative vocabulary. There's nothing to prompt the reader into thought. (Can I mention here how deeply I detest the abominable Junie B. Jones books?) I call those books cotton-candy books....all fluff. There's no content to savor, nothing to wrap your mind around.

This book has helped create memorable afternoons for us as a mother and daughter, reading on my bed wrapped in quilts. Her pleasure in this book is contagious...last night even DANIEL joined her on my bed to listen and laugh with Anne Shirley.


Nathan said...

But you love cotton candy!

Janelle said...

I have to say I love love love that whole series I bought the whole set of 8 books a few years back and have just loved them! I can't wait until my Livvy girl is old enough to enjoy them with me!