For a Quick Reference

Monday, June 14, 2010

Joke Journal entries

"Mommy, there's no ice cream on the moon. There's really not."- Deep thoughts by Daniel Kingsley.

Matthew asked me, "Mom, what does 'sexy' mean?" After a long and somewhat detailed explanation, he said in exasperation, "That doesn't make sense! Why would they put that on a box?!" It turns out he was looking at a random box label that said '6C'. 

Matthew ran into my bathroom to see his reflection int he mirror. His hair was spiky-looking. He sighed in frustration and said, "Ug, I don't want 'cool boy' hair!" Quickly combing his hair into a tidy side part and slicking it down a bit, he said with satisfaction, "Nice! Now I have 'smart-boy' hair!"

I was leading the music for the Primary children on Sunday. We were singing "I'm so Glad When Daddy Comes Home", which is a song with lots of hand actions. The children were watching me closely and copying my every move. In the middle of the song, I drew a complete blank on the lyrics and stood there with my mouth open in shock for a moment. The entire room of 30 children all imitated me and sat with open mouths for a long time while the piano music moved on without us. 

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I love the "6C"!! That is so funny!