This afternoon my children disappeared.
I looked all over the house and couldn't find a sign of them.
I checked outside, but the swings were empty and lifeless.
The trampoline was abandoned and lonely.
The cats and dog looked at me questioningly.
Dinner was ready and cooling on the table.
I called and called for our children. There was no answer.
Becoming impatient, I rang our loud dinner bell vigorously.
Still there was no answer.
Where were they?
Fighting the urge to yell and feeling waves of anger tickle my soul, I searched on foot.
I began to trek around the property, peering in chicken coops and barns.
Finally I found them, all singing joyfully and marching together through the back corners of our large pasture.
When they saw me, they all squealed in delight and ran towards me with their hands full of blossoms.
They had spent an hour collecting beautiful wildflowers and crafting a custom bouquet for me!
Our cooling dinner was forgotten and we exclaimed in delight over our beautiful blossoms.
Our cooling dinner was forgotten and we exclaimed in delight over our beautiful blossoms.
I felt like a queen being gifted with rare treasures.
The flowers were so lovely and colorful.
I delighted in their fragrances and scooped my children up in my arms.
We hugged and laughed together and gloried in the wild jewels of our earth.

I am so thankful we live in the country where flowers can be freely picked without messing up a landscaped flower bed or angering neighbors.
I had been experiencing a stressful day earlier that afternoon.
This bouquet completely changed my outlook.
How lucky am I to have such thoughtful kids!
We laughed and rolled in the tall pasture grass together.
Our dog Bella eagerly joined in the fun, rolling luxuriously in the grass over and over again.
How thankful I am to be alive and able to find joy in Earth's bounty!
Life certainly is a treasure!
I hope you have a chance to enjoy your Littles today!
1 comment:
You should add more check boxes at the botton. If there had been a box reading "Awwww," I would have clicked it.
Also, your "prove you're not a robot" screening--which I sympathize with entirely--gets really annoying sometimes. I tried posting this once and couldn't make out a number in the blurry photo. So blogspot ate my first response.
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