For a Quick Reference

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Matt's writings

I wanted to share a snippet of Matthew's writing journal. I think it's interesting to read how his mind thinks and what he chooses to record.

This first entry was written immediately after we returned home from a grueling road trip for my sister's wedding. I was surprised what came to his mind for this writing assignment. I can't decide if this should be a commentary on the vacation or on his boredom in the public school system.

Acrostic Poem about Vacation:
Very boring
At a gas station
Can't play on the compyooter (computer)
A very boring thing
To Grandma's house
I do not like vacations
Oh how boring
Not very fun

These remaining entries are various journal entries. I thought they were cute and wanted to record them. His spelling is preserved in my transcribing, but I added parenthetical clarification where necessary.

Wut I did on the weekend. I went to my Grandma's hows (house). I went to a easter egg hunt. Everyon got 12 eggs. I got jelly beens and skitls (Skittles)and manemse (M&Ms). The candy was yumy. My favrite was the skitls.

I went to my Ant's weding. My grandma and grandpa came to the weding. We tuk pickters. I wus in two pickturs.

I went to the swiming pole. I put on my gogls (goggles). I hopt in the water. It wus frezinge (freezing). I raced my sister. She won. I had lunch there. For lunch I had a apl (apple) and a sanwich and a joos (juice) box. My dad came too. I had fun.

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