For a Quick Reference

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Something to pray for

What do you pray for each morning and night?

I pray very fervently that my children will be safe from evil influences and their testimonies will grow strong. I am a very protective mother and I feel so strongly about protecting our children's innocence as long as we can. I really want them to know WHO they really are (sons and daughters of a heavenly king) and WHY they are here (to learn how to return to God's presence and serve others).

I feel very overwhelmed at times at the way the world is trying so viciously to attack our families. I cry in frustration and anger over the filth is being pushed towards our bright young children by the media (this is why we don't have TV reception). There are so many ways our children are being targeted...I don't care to go into a long depressing blog entry, so read this website if you want to know ways to analyze your own family life and see the subtle ways Satan's messages or dulling influence can creep into your home.

I know that I can't keep them safe from everything, no matter how much I desire to be the shield between them and Satan. I know I need the Lord's help in raising a strong family.

This week I had an epiphany moment. Some day, my children will get married. Those future spouses are growing up in this same world and being forced to make tough choices each day. Some day those people will join my family, and they will become my new children. I feel like I should pray for them now as much as I pray for my own children.

I shared my feelings with our family and asked if they would also like to pray for their future spouses. Matthew's prayers have been the sweetest. Yesterday he said, "Bless bless my sweet wife to be safe from evil today". Today he prayed, "Help my future sweetheart make good choices today." I love how he used the words 'sweet wife' and 'sweetheart'.

Matthew enjoying our weekly Sundaes on Sunday

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I always enjoy your posts. I have often thought about this very thing. As the control freak that I am, it is hard for me to know that I can't control what upbringing my "future children" are being given. Praying for them helps me feel like I am doing SOMETHING-- and something is always better than nothing.