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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Purest Joy


My brother just came home from serving a two-year mission in Bulgaria. I feel so blessed to be related to such a wonderful, sincerely GOOD person. 

It's so nice to spend time with him again and be surrounded by extended family members. I love this family. A lot of people feel like they have the best family in the world, and I feel like I do as well. 

It is one of my life's sweetest joys to be in my mother-in-laws home laughing with siblings. I feel like a sponge, just soaking up all the unrestrained happiness.

When I'm around extended family I despise our bodily need for sleep. I resist sleep as much as I can because I don't want to waste any time away from the fun. Last night I went to bed at 5:30am, the night before we went to bed at 4:00am, and the previous night bedtime was 3:00am. Maybe tomorrow I can go without sleep at all.....right.

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