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Monday, June 30, 2014

Little Things

Today has brought many things.

It's good to see my older three children happily scheming together for Joseph's upcoming birthday. They spent all afternoon transforming a giant box (leftover from our DI days) into a clever castle as a birthday gift. What a creative idea! Matthew fashioned a working drawbridge while Sarah sawed a barred window into one side and Daniel crafted cardboard daggers and swords from the leftover pieces. They crafted clever torches and mounted a banner on the top. They also gathered a large stuffed dragon to guard the gate, and a stick pony for a trusty steed. Fun times.

It was good to take my kids to the library for a show with a zoologist. They loved learning about and interacting with a kangaroo, a ring-tailed lemur, a bearded dragon, a cotton-topped monkey, and something else I can't remember the name of. (Drat!)

It's good to look out my kitchen window and see all my children helping each other climb the oak trees next to the house. It was good to catch a glimpse of a good deed when Sarah lifted Joseph down from the tall branch, and Joseph gave her the biggest smile and just wrapped his arms around her neck in pure adoration.

It was good to see Matthew and Daniel work together this afternoon to make waffles from scratch. They did such a great job making a delicious treat for lunch and we all enjoyed the fruits of their labors, topped with apple butter and freshly whipped cream (actually, Daniel over-whipped the cream a bit so it was on the verge of turning into butter, but it worked just as well). It was good to see Sarah notice the lack of maple syrup and take matters into her own hands. She made imitation maple syrup herself after looking up a recipe online.

It was good to see Joseph run inside with fistfuls of rocks and jubilantly exclaim, "I found new pet rocks! I'm going to color them myself!"

It's good to have a healthy body so I can work in the goat pasture patching fences (again) and it's good to be able to clean out some of the chicken coop to make it more comfortable for our birds.

It's good to be home from our trip, where I have my own washer and dryer. I'm so thankful I can do laundry in my own space on my own time frame. It was good to fold laundry and have organized places to put everything away, instead of stacking them in a back pack or duffle bag.

It's good to have a temporary AC unit in one corner of the dining room while our central AC is broken and waiting to be replaced. It's so good to stand in front of the little AC fan when the rest of the house gets too hot. It was great to have rain today, which watered our land and cooled the air.

It's good to breath fresh air, to enjoy being alive. It's good to have a heart full of peace and joy in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's good to be filled with love for the people around me. God is good, and today I feel so blessed. Life is beautiful.

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