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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Star of the Week- Daniel

I'm starting a new tradition around here: Star of the week.

Don't kids love it when they get to be the star in school? I'm thinking  it's a pretty nifty idea to point the spotlight on someone and let them shine for a bit in our home.

This week's star is Daniel!

Name: Daniel Lincoln Kingsley. (He's named after one of my favorite Biblical heroes, Daniel, and one of my favorite modern people, Grandpa Lincoln LeCheminant. Grandpa Lincoln is one of the kindest, most loving people I've ever met. He's also named after Abe Lincoln, one of my favorite Presidents.)

Age: 7, although he's counting down days until his 8th birthday. Literally. He keeps reminding me how soon his birthday is coming, even though it's still over 180 days away. Eight is a Big Deal around here. That's when he can choose to be baptized, that's when kids in our family get to start enjoying gum, and it's when they can choose to start fasting once a month with the family. we celebrate this birthday with a huge feast and party to commemorate his baptism.

Best Feature:His laugh. It sounds like bubbles erupting from deep inside of his chest. It's delightful to hear and absolutely contagious!

Grade in school: 2nd

Favorite subject: PE, because sometimes they play games. His favorite game is Crab Tag.

Favorite thing to do in his free time: Read books, mostly Calvin and Hobbes.

What he wants to be when he grows up: "I want to be one of those guys that gets paid to test out new ice cream flavors." I think he just invented a new job description. Good luck with this one, buddy!

Favorite Talent: Playing the recorder. He memorized the haunting melody to "If You Could Hie To Kolob" and it sounds beautiful. He is very musically-inclined and loves to sing, play the piano, and play the guitar. He seems to be always humming or singing or whistling.

Favorite book: Calvin and Hobbes. I can't tell you how many nights he falls asleep with these books on his pillow after staying up late reading. Those poor books are sorely abused from frequent perusals.

Favorite color: Blue, Green and Gold

Favorite food: Spaghetti and meatballs. Ramen noodle soup is a close second, except he prefers the Thai version with a name we can't spell with English letters or pronounce. We pick it up from the oriental market in Austin. It's much better than normal Ramen- it comes with dehydrated veggies, chili oil, and lots of flavor.

Number of kids he wants when he grows up: 3

One more thing he's really great at doing? Reading!
He's at the top of his class for Reading, and he loves to read books several grades more advanced than him. He ALWAYS stays up late reading books in bed.

This year he has grown to be so much more responsible. Without me asking him to do so, each night he diligently packs his lunch for the next day, packs his backpack, and sleeps with his shoes on so he can leap out of bed and be ready to go. (I try to talk him out of sleeping with shoes on, but he is determined to do so. I figure it doesn't harm anything to let him do it, so he does it. He sleeps with his blanket pulled up high under his chin so his feet can stick out from under the bedding. Silly boy.)

He is also very empathetic. Daniel is so thoughtful and is regularly volunteering to rub my feet or brush my hair or bring me a cold drink. He's so generous with his time and really tries hard to make people feel loved.

We are so glad to have him in our family!

We love you, Daniel!!

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