For a Quick Reference

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Make way for fairies

Things I love about my job:

1- Kids LOVE it when I arrive and ring the doorbell. I flit around the doorstep, peeking in the sidelight windows much like Tinkerbell and get to be slightly mischievous with the party guests. I love having a regular opportunity to enjoy my acting skills. Being in character as a fairy is so fun!

2- They love to hear my stories while I work. Among other things, I tell them I used to paint butterfly wings in an enchanted flower garden. I love the magical look in their eyes while they suspend reality and believe every word. This age is so priceless, when kids are eager to believe in fantasy and wonder. 

3- Every little girl wants to sit by me during the party games. It's so fun being the center of a short, smiling fan club every day I head to work. 

4- This work environment is also riddled with positive feedback, adoration from my little clients, and (best of all) no boss but myself. I LOVE having control over my own work schedule and no bureaucratic tape to worry about. 

5- What girl honestly doesn't enjoy dressing up? Enough said.

There is one small problem though: the wings. 

I designed them badly, so they require a helper to put them on. Erg. 

This means either Sarah or Nathan helps me don my wings, then I have to squeeze them into the car and drive to work without leaning back against my chair. That's not too fun if you happen to have a 45-minute commute to your next job site. 

The pink fluffy skirt and huge wings don't fit very well into the driver's seat, making it a bit comical to observe me driving down the highway.

I always cross my fingers and  hope there's never a reason for a cop to pull me over. Can you imagine the conversation that would follow? Yikes!

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