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Friday, August 13, 2010

Homemade Pizza

May I just say that I love being married to a cook? Mr. Kingsley makes the most wonderful meals. Look what he whipped up this week for dinner:

Home made pizza crust made with home grown rosemary and oregano: Yum!

Home made sauce with fresh herbs: Yum!

Marinated chicken, provolone cheese, Parmesan cheese, and vegies: Super yum!

I love the way he makes cooking a family affair. Daniel had fun putting on cheese, Sarah loved spreading pizza sauce, and Matthew enjoyed parceling out the meat. The kitchen is so often the center of our family life, and I'm so grateful Mr. Kingsley makes it this way. His cheerfulness is like a magnet, drawing us all to the stove to be with him. His enthusiasm for the culinary process is contagious, making it seem delightful rather than a chore. How I love him!

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