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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Family Reunion, July 4th

Too far behind, and too much to document. Yikees. I'm not posting much text with this one, since it's the typing that makes me fall so far behind. 

Here are glimpses of our wonderful July 4th and family reunion with MaryAnn and Bliss Roberts before they left on their mission to South Africa. My heart was full of joy nonstop. Heavens, how much I love these people!! What a perfect day this was! I can't say enough how happy I am that we live close enough to join in these memorable days. 

This pic needs a bit of explanation. I caught this candid moment because Adam and Nathan were entertaining themselves by watching the ceiling fan pull chain oscillate and analyzing the math equation that would explain physics to the movement. Smart men are so incredibly attractive! I'm so happy to be married to a nerd!

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