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Monday, March 26, 2012

Our Butler

I've had it. I'm done playing this endless game with the boys called

It kills me to see their room with a floor like a mosaic:
made of colorful splashes of clothing, toys, and random garbage.

It's time for a visit from our friend, "The Butler".

He hasn't visited our home in over a year.

Sarah loves him. 

She never has anything to worry about when he visits. (Her room is always spotless anyway. I think she gets a twisted sense of satisfaction when she sees the boys finally have consequences for their slovenly ways.)

The boys hate him. 

They beg me to call him on the phone and tell him to go stay someplace else. They make signs prohibiting any and all butlers from entering their room. 

I've been fair. 

The boys have had 2 weeks of warnings that the Butler would be visiting soon.

Today is the day. The Butler is coming. 

Ah, it will be nice to have a clean space in the boys' room again!

(Yes, my kids are old enough now to realize The Butler is imaginary. Now the boys get frustrated at me instead of The Butler, but it's still fun to talk about him as if he's real and leave little notes signed "The Butler".)


2darlingbabies said...

May I ask, what exactly does " the butler" do? Do things get thrown away (that was my mothers solution) or do they just get taken away for a time?

Arienne said...

I agree with 2darlingbabies! Tell us more!!!

Unknown said...

It depends on how much I personally care about the items I am picking up. If it's garbage to me, or if I'm too overwhelmed to care about sorting out the random toy pieces, then I throw it away. If the toys were expensive (think of Legos here) or I personally care about them (insert baby blankets or beloved stuffed animals here) then I"ll confiscate it. I remove it from the room and they have to earn back or purchase back the items. Usually I'm not organized enough for things I want to keep get boxed up in the garage out of sight for a year or so.