For a Quick Reference

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Closing chapters... State DI competition

Oh boy were we thrashed at the state DI tournament! We had no idea what to expect, but we certainly didn't expect what we were up against.

As we waited for our turn onstage, we watched other teams unload their props and kinetic art. I'll admit, our hearts sank as we observed very complicated and breathtaking works of art pass in front of us. I had a very hard time believing that elementary kids really completed these creations on their own. 

One team made a replica of the Taj Mahal out of wood. It was eight feet long and housed a giant music box that spun and created art. I think my jaw hit the floor!

Our kids were comparing their own creations to what they saw from the other teams, and our projects were sadly left wanting. With team spirits and confidence quickly deflating, I tried to encourage the team and remind them how great they did at regionals. We did some pep talks and helped everyone feel better, but we still took a lot of mental notes on ways we can improve next year.

Here are some glimpses of our team performance:

Matthew acted the part of a chair while the town rat narrated the story. Doesn't he look extra happy with his job?

Here the unicorn and villagers try to convince our invisible character, Black Plague, to come taste a magic lollipop.

They did a great job with their show.

Here they explain their kinetic art to the judges. They designed a home made marble run that would paint a picture on a canvas at the end to reveal a secret clue to the villagers.

After their performance, we caught a team picture outside.

After their show, the kids had a good time playing games and eating and exploring. I loved observing their banter and friendships. This was my favorite candid picture of the day:

I would be surprised if we came in anything other than last place, but we had a grand time and learned SO much for next year. I think they accomplished amazing things even making it as far as state, especially since this the first year any of us have done DI.

I still consider this year to be a resounding success, most importantly for the ways my own children have changed for the better. 

They are designing their own bedroom furniture now and feel empowered to build things on their own. They use their teamwork strategies to solve sibling conflicts without dragging me into the fray as a referee. They don't give up when they encounter a challenge, or even when their first solution fails. They are much more creative and invent new games together.

It is amazing to see the positive changes that have occurred.

Here are some shots we took of other teams. We sincerely praised each competitor
 and asked questions to learn how each creation was made. Armed with new secrets, we are eagerly looking forward to next year's DI challenge.

And here is a last glimpse of the closing ceremonies, a packed party with crazy hats, music, dancing, and awards.

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