For a Quick Reference

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Handwriting for Kinetic Learners

Matthew is a kinetic learner, meaning he learns best when he can involve his body or senses. He really didn't like hand writing (what boy does?) because he's still developing those fine motor muscles. It was hard to keep him interested in learning proper letter formation, so we came up with this idea:

I took a glass casserole dish and made a layer of cornmeal in the bottom of the pan. I used my finger as a writing utensil and taught him how to properly shape letters.

 After each letter, we'd 'erase' by simply patting the cornmeal with the palm of our hands. He had so much fun writing in the cornmeal. It was so much fun, he played with it all during recess time and drew artistic patterns.

 It was free to make, and a huge success.


Alison K. said...

Wow, this is a great tip. I have been struggling with how to help Grace learn to write her letters. She hasn't yet learned to write her name and she is almost 5. I am going to try this with her this week!

Kiirstin said...

What a good idea!

Gail said...

That IS a good idea. I'm totally stealing it!